Medical Radiology & Imaging Technology (MRIT) is the degree course dedicated to utilization of modern techniques such as CT scan, MRI, X-ray, etc. for diagnosing diseases. Radiographic machinery takes internal images of the human body to enable diagnosis. The undergraduate degree programme in MRIT is the B. Sc. in Medical Radiology & Imaging Technology or BMRIT, the duration for which is 3.5 years and it is spread over 7 semesters.The medical sector advances with leaps and bounds with physicians needing skilled radiologists for proper diagnosis and efficient treatment of a disease.Department of MRIT in Swami Vivekananda University is equipped with cutting edge instruments, biological models and professionals that enable students to understand the detailed internal image of the human body. This makesapplying the knowledge in real world easy, accurate, efficient, and thus facilitates achievement of career goals. The faculties of the University are at the forefront of research in their field and their expertise benefits students greatly.