The National Cadet Corps is one of the largest youth organizations in India. At present, NCC has a strength of over 13 lakh students . National Cadet Corps is a Tri-Services Organisation comprising the Army, Navy and Air Force, engaged in grooming the youth - "The Leaders of Tomorrow" - into disciplined and patriotic citizens. The genesis of the NCC can be traced back to the First World War and the enactment of the Indian Defence Act of 1917. It was under one of provisions of this Act that the University Officers Training Corps was constituted as a wing of the Indian Defence Force. The aim was to create an organisation with the primary purpose of molding the youth of the country into better citizens. It was expected that that NCC would be a second line of defence and that it would serve as a large pool of trained youth, available for employment into the Armed Forces.

After independence the present day NCC under the Ministry of Defence came into existence on 16 Apr 1948 through NCC act XXXI, 1948 . It was on the recommendation of a committee headed by Dr. H.N.Kuzru that the Corps was formed. NCC was formally inaugurated on 15 Jul 1948 as soon as the schools and colleges reopened after summer vacation. The Girls Division of the NCC was started in Jul 1949. In 1950 Air Wing was added on 01 Apr with one Air squadron each at Bombay and Kolkata. The Naval Wing of the NCC was raised in Jul 1952, thus completing the true representation of all services in the Corps. Presently, NCC has approximately 13 Lakhs Cadets under its fold.

The NCC is not a para military organisation. It is a youth movement. It has enormous potential for nation building and has developed into a valuable auxiliary to the education system. Nearly 12,000 teachers/professors from the educational institutions all over the country , referred to as Associate NCC Officers, constitute the back bone of NCC training staff. The NCC provides exposure to the cadets in a wide range of activities, with a direct emphasis on social service, discipline and adventure training. With the motto "Unity and Discipline",

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